Saturday, June 1, 2019

Arriving Home Early to the Sounds of a Late Win

Last night, I hit a wall. Considering I drive for a living with Lyft, I should both specify that I didn't literally hit a wall and also state, however, that it is not the best when you're on the road and you figuratively hit one too.

AP Photo/Matt York
Photo via Yahoo Sports
I had been up since 4:15 in the morning, and though I had gotten a nap in, I had been ambitious in thinking that I would be able to go to an hour past jersey closing time, roughly 3 in the morning. I had thought about taking another nap, but the cookie didn't crumble that way. So, as I headed back to Hoboken for that conceptualized nap, potentially arriving there by 12:30, I changed my tune and decided to get today started off right with 7-8 hours of sleep by going home.

Three times throughout the night I checked the score of the game, first when the Mets had a 3-1 lead. It dawned on me I hadn't checked in a while, probably sometime in the 11 o clock hour, so I opened the app just in time for my eyes to roll at the 4-3 Snake score. Since I arrived home before seeing an alert of a Mets loss or otherwise, I parked the car and opened the app up, pleasantly surprised at the 5-4 affair with 2 runs having recently been scored. I was going to be able to either hear a late Mets win, or be around like all of you for another devastating Mets loss. At least I would be there.

So, I brushed my teeth and climbed into bed with 1 out having already been gotten but a runner now on. To say I was exhausted was an understatement. I cannot remember if I heard the 2nd out or if I had fallen asleep before that as well, but when I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, it dawned on me I had knocked out before the final was understood. I got worried I was going to once more check my phone and see a devastating alert, one that referenced an Arizona walk-off win. I headed back to my sleeping quarters to check my phone I had not brought with me, and luckily, the 5-4 victory had been secured. Big sigh, back to sleep.

Sometimes, no matter how hard the Mets train you throughout their existence to think otherwise, it all turns out alright.

There is always, however, another game to secure the next day. Let us pray they figure out how to W more than L.



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