Friday, March 15, 2013

Will Someone Get Captain America Some Tylenol?!

Last night, after a fantastic Metsian evening in the clubhouse* with Ira Berkow, author of Summers at Shea, I found myself in a melancholy mood as I clicked on for the David Wright headline. A few hours before, my attention was more concentrated on getting downtown than it was on any pregame World Baseball Classic news, though pumped for the game I certainly was. I didn't find out about the David Wright scratch until we, the clubhouse, turned the game back on around the 5th. 

That was a bummer. 

Though it was awesome seeing R.A. Dickey had bounced back.

So, around the midnight hour, I just stared at whatever info had been gathered so far on the left rib cage soreness (which was first reported as a sore back). It was clearly precautionary, clearly of some concern, but nothing to necessarily freak out about (though I try to say that more often than not these days about most things.) As I read on, I realized I hadn't even addressed in my last post of yesterday the fact the USA and The Dominican were playing last night, which is counter-productive to everything I've been talking about. If you were a superstitious fellow (which I am) you'd think that I was the reason for last night's loss; that I started the evening off sending out bad karma.

OR, maybe it was just Kimbrel's pitch selection after that terrible call (and I mean TERRIBLE, by the way.)

Anyway, I stared at my computer contemplating writing about the night. And I just kept coming to the conclusion that I wasn't in the mood.

Then I thought about watching a random episode of Arrested Development, even though I recently went through the whole series again.

Then I watched Louis CK at the Beacon instead.

And dosed off seemingly mid-crack-up.

Oh, also, I used to love Jose's antics, but an ENTIRE TEAM OF IT is getting on my nerves.

I want to beat those guys so badly...

Anyway, tonight we play an elimination game against Puerto Rico at 7 PM EST. Ryan Vogelsong on the mound for the US, and NELSON FIGUEROA on the mound for PR.

Somebody else has to start coming through for this team.

They won't have Captain America to drive in 2 with a game-winning single this time.

Step it up, USA.

*(More on the evening at the Clubhouse this coming next week...)

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