Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Now THAT is a Mets Legacy

If you have not already, please make sure you read Danny Abriano's Rising Apple Post about life, family, roots and adversity. It's an amazing story, setting a literal and physical example of how you turn a negative into a positive.

The negative going on with this team is so minute when looking at the overall positives, and direction of this franchise, and the story lines that are unfolding in the Spring. Yeah, you have the whole Johan thing, but…everything else seems to be in line, except for the fact "THEY'RE STILL ALL LYING TO US!"………

My God, do you want no joy from the things that make you…HAPPY?!

I've learned to take everything in stride, and that it is a waste of time to be that pissed off at things that are out of my control and much less pissed off at headlines I can only take with a grain of salt. After clearly so much that went wrong (and the kind of "going wrong" that you could clearly see going wrong as it was going wrong) don't people want to soak up more of what is going right with this organization than be pissed off at the Wilpons another day? And even if you still think the Mets are doomed, what is wrong with enjoying every little success that happens in games where the final score is meaningless?

Anyway, I went off on a little tangent there, but I read Danny's article after reading a bunch of sensationalist headlines and tweets and what not that were as gloom and doom about the New York Metropolitans as could be. And like I said, Danny's story is the PERFECT example of turning a negative into a positive, and persevering through life's curveballs, Metsian or otherwise.


Here's the Random Song of the Day.

Thanks for reading! Follow me on Twitter @convertedmetfan. And for Rising Apple twitter updates, click here.

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