Friday, March 9, 2018

Dear #Mets Fans,


How’s it going?

Depending on who you talk to, I guess, we’re either all still freaking out or we’re excited to watch this new era unfold. I guess the majority of us die-hards are always a combination of the former and latter at all times, which is what I find so fascinating about Mets fandom and fandom in general. The study of its psychology has always intrigued me. It’s probably why, as a filmmaker and screenwriter, I like exploring and documenting those elements of the human experience. It has been my motivation once I began blogging, not only exploring other Mets fans experiences through my writings and videos and podcasts but attempting to quantify MY OWN Metsian experience and explain how it works and how I work to the world.

I struggle as deep as the Mets on a day-to-day basis. These days, with my dad’s health and adapting to a new environment in Denver, it has literally been the most at one time I’ve ever had to deal with, but that’s what life is for; C'est la vie. I do, however, struggle with amateur hour. BIG time.

As I postpone the release of my Mets fan documentary The Newest Breed once more, I get flashbacks to moments such as telling Danny Abriano and Michelle Ioannou on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis I’ve gotta push the article deadline just a tad further…then a tad further again. Even with this documentary, the first part I just literally watched before typing proud as I am of it and can’t wait to share it, I have gone about making it in such an amateurish way that no matter how much I appreciate that aspect of it in telling the Mets fandom’s story, and a big reason I relate and root for the Mets to begin with, I have to begin approaching everything much more on a pro level. The reputation I have set forth haunts me on a daily basis, and I am desperately trying to correct it, no matter how long it takes.

Anyway, enough about me
And onto the Mets Movie.
The Newest Breed
Will be released
Very promptly on March 16th.
Part 1 will arrive
Part 2 in due time
March 28 the last should appear
And satisfy your Metsian soul 
with all faith 
and no fear.
Well...I guess ALWAYS some fear...but would we want it any other way?

Thank you for understanding. 
One love. One Mets.

Onwards and Upwards.
Let’s. Go. Mets.


  1. As my husband, Skip Lockwood, wrote in his recently released book, Insight Pitch: My Life as a Major League Closer, "the one thing that made the difference was the magic of the game itself". We all experience intense struggles throughout our lives that we survive by hanging on to that lifeline known as hope. And from the singing of the National Anthem to the final strike, baseball offers up a new sense of hope every day.

    1. Beautiful sentiment indeed...thank you so much for that and thanks for my turn to return the favor!
